3 Tips CRM software can help you create better marketing campaigns

 By Pranjali Manore

Today's consumers are literally bombarded with all sorts of messages and offers that spring out from every corner. Have you ever thought for a second, how many times per day do you receive promotional emails or messages from a brand you signed up for?

Above all, how often do you actually open and read it?


These days, you can find almost everyone is active on social media; everyone has a blog, everyone can share, comment, spread the word- you name it!

Today, we will speak about the rise of a highly individualized marketing approach, mainly driven by data and technology. 


Consequently, now you can see a change in the way marketers do their jobs and fulfil their main duty- to grab customers' attention with a lead nurturing strategy and multiply customer conversions.

And the CRM system is a reason that can help marketers to stay at the top of the game. 


Let's see what 3 important ways are to create better marketing campaigns, which can be beneficial to improve our activities and create better marketing campaigns in four major areas.   


1)     Focused targeting: 

One of the toughest tasks for a marketer is to look through all the customer data. To get a reply from potential customers that are most likely to buy, marketers must send out messages that appeal exactly to them. 


Luckily, CRM software helps marketers to sift through contacts and target potentially profitable customers. CRM software contains various information on customer behavior and preferences that allow taking informed actions to improve prospects' awareness and customer satisfaction. 


2)     Segmentation:

They say that those who can get a forecast, instead of reacting, win. It is a fact that marketers have to notice common trends before they offer anything. 


They want to be able to segment by industry, job role, and company size. However, marketers also want to segment based on recent activities, responses, personal likes and dislikes, e-email replied, email-opened, products already purchased, and even social media activity. 


And there's a way to wider opportunities if the customer is potential and even profile is sharper- personalize their messages and, in such a way, win the hearts of individuals. 

If marketers are segmented, your subscriber base will not only grow revenue, but all email marketing metrics will improve. 


3)     Personalized content:

Once you have selected whom to target and segment the database into a meaningful category, it is time to individualize your marketing messages. 

Nowadays, CRM systems allow you to address your potential and existing customers by their name.

Moreover, you can impress them by knowing what company they work for. Irrespective of a man, or a woman, an ordinary salesperson, or an authorized person would considerably assist you in tailoring the content of your messages and grabbing customer's attention. 


Equipped with customer's details, you can provide information, suggest an idea, and even shape the entire communication to suit that specific customer. Moreover, there are huge benefits of doing so; since the content is more personalized, you probably witness improved response rates, increased revenue, and stronger brand perception. Hence, CRM solutions allow marketing experts to focus more on their customers rather than the products.  




With CRM, you can personally engage with your prospects and customers, anticipate your customers' preferences, and surprise them by telling them about things they are interested in. 

Through this, you can change the old one-way street of marketing messages into a two-way dialogue between marketers and customers. 


On the whole, CRM software can play a crucial role in creating marketing campaigns like helps you supply with a contact database and centralize your actions; makes it easy for you to slice and dice the data into meaningful insights; shapes the perfect target groups that would respond to highly individualized messages. 


Let us know in the comments below how you are using CRM software to create better marketing campaigns.  







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