What are top 5 forecasted CRM trends in 2021?

 By Pranjali Manore

In recent years, CRM has evolved far beyond being just a tool for contact management to offer everyone in an organization. 

As 2021 has already approached, we are ready to move ahead into the new decade and believe that key CRM trends will shake up the industry.

 Below are some of our top predictions for CRM in the nearing year.

 Artificial Intelligence is becoming a key part of CRM systems: If there's one thing affecting all industries, it is artificial intelligence (AI). We're using a lot of AI than we might think in our daily lives and at work. As per Gartner's 2019 CIO Agenda survey, 14% of global CIOs have already deployed AI. It is predicted that AI associated with CRM activities will boost global business revenue by $1.1 trillion by the end of 2021. 


1)     Fewer barriers for first-time CRM users:

According to LinkedIn State of Sales 2020, 65% of sales professionals use CRM, and 97% consider sales technology "very important."

However, that leaves one-third of sales professionals not using CRMs. Common obstacles to adopting a CRM include reservations about the cost and lacking the resources and tech knowledge to implement a CRM system.  

As CRMs continue to become cheaper, simpler to implement, and easier to use, these objections become increasingly irrelevant, forecasting a higher percentage of companies adopting CRMs for the first time in 2021. 


2)     Social CRM keeps emerging:

What is social CRM? It's the combination of social media channels into CRM platforms. Companies gain a more powerful overview by viewing social media and CRM together, about what people are posting about them on social media and a clearer understanding of brand sentiment. 

If companies can make use of social CRM to respond to comments quickly and thoughtfully, they are able to build stronger connections with existing and potential customers; and even incorporate more user feedback into their roadmap. 


3)     There's an all-star line-up of CRMs to choose from:

Even though Salesforce's share of the CRM market is over 19%, there's a huge range of tools competing for consumer attention. Customers choose from a diverse market of over 609 CRM systems, with tools that cater to generalized needs and specific niches and requirements. 

The CRM systems leading the way for user satisfaction right now on G2 are:

  • HubSpot
  • Salesforce
  • Less Annoying CRM
  • Freshsales


4)     CRM keeps getting more sophisticated:

The most desired CRM features are basics like interaction tracking (88%), contact management (94%), and schedule/ reminder creation (85%). Around a quarter of buyers want monitoring of the sales pipeline and funnel.

But a fifth of CRM users want slightly more advanced functions: a central database, sales automation, email marketing, customization and analytics, and reporting.  


Last few words:

 As we all can see that time and technology are transforming, so is CRM. However, unlike other fickle trends, mobile connectivity, integration, and cloud tech, the IoT and new ways of demonstrating authenticity are here to develop even more this year, 2021. Thus, ensure to keep your customer relationship management (CRM) up with the flow.





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