Your customer complaints are good for your business. Know why?

 By Pranjali Manore

Setting up a business is easy; satisfying the targeted audience is what makes your business difficult. Therefore, if you are planning a business, be prepared for unavoidable complaints from your customers. But, resolving their complaints and satisfying them completely can let you earn loyalty points and a significant boost in your profits.

Customer complaints play a vital role in businesses. All business looks forward to making necessary improvements in their rendered services. What more could be better than a customer's feedback. Through his feedback, you get a direct idea of what your customer wants through his complaints.

These complaints indeed tend to induce stress in a businessperson but play a positive role. If you want to keep your business growing, you must welcome the complaints as opportunities and not as stress givers.

Consider your customers just as your child, like when the kid complains about the food, the parents take the essential steps to resolve the taste as per the child's expectation.

Why would customers complain?

When a customer complaint, it is clear that he/she is not satisfied with the product/ service that you provide or need some modifications in it. Therefore, his/her complaint shall be considered an integral part of your business growth. The customers who complain also serve as potential advocates for your brand, and so considering them seriously will help you in your business. If you ignore even a single complaint, it can cost you the success you have been dreaming of for years.

Suppose if there are no profits calculated and no customers have shown interest in buying your product. What would be your next step? What efforts will you take to strategize against the odds?

Here's when the customer complaint shows you the real picture. His /her customer complaint might show up as a very normal aspect, but it surely creates a huge impact on your business's growth.

Why are customer complaints beneficial for your business?

1)     To pinpoint faulty products:

It is unfortunate that even with best practices followed to run a business; sometimes, customers end up with defective products. If your customers don't make you aware of the same, you won't be able to fix other potential products that might have the same issue. 

2)     To challenge the status quo:

Customer complaints are one of the best ways to challenge the organizational culture if executing things. The organizations work effortlessly to build a status quo, and customer complaints act as a reality check of the organizational executability and help the business grow and develop.

3)     Build customer loyalty:

Many customers call a company's customer service line to make a complaint, intending to be compensated, or receiving a solution to their problem. Make sure that your call center agents respond to their communication promptly and inform them that their business is appreciated. 

Even if the help care agents can't offer them a solution, compensating them in some other way will show your company's appreciation and encourage them to stick with your brand despite mishaps they may have experienced.


Handling customer complaints effectively is of utmost importance because it is often the make-or-break point for ensuring your brand's loyalty. We need to modernize our thinking about complaints by seeing the real value that comes with them. We must encourage them as there are certain important advantages of customer complaints. They have a significant impact on the business. So, by understanding the benefits of complaints, you improve your brand face value and increase your team productivity.


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