How CRM improves customer service and customer experience?

 By Pranjali Manore

Sales professionals normally use customer relationship management (CRM) platforms to manage a brand's relationships and interactions with their current and potential customers. Today's CRMs have evolved to the point that they can better manage the relationships a brand has through its customers for their entire lifetime. 

In this blog, you will look at ways a CRM can help to improve the customer experience. 


1.     Get ready cases formed automatically:

Unlike others who need you to create the software manually, Shanaya CRM automatically forms you. You just have to specify the email address within Shanaya. Every customer service request automatically gets forwarded to that mail and concurrently generated as Support Tickets within the CRM application. 


2.     Cases get assigned automatically:

Suppose a case is lying untouched simply because it has still not been assigned to someone within your team. Therefore, to avert such problems of delayed customer service, Shanaya has automated the entire procedure of assigning tickets to agents. 


All the generated support cases generated will get automatically assigned to the selected agents, and your team will be able to provide fast and prompt customer service. 


3.     Provide instant Notifications:

CRM software makes your customer service fast like a jet- it has an exclusive feature of Notifications, which includes:


·        Send notification to customers when cases are generated

·        Send notification to support agents about newly assigned tickets

·        Send notification to customers when support agents respond to the tickets  

·        Send notification to support agents when customers comments on the tickets 

·        Send notification customers when cases are closed


4.     Customize notification messages:

There are pre-defined message templates stored within Shanaya. You have the option to select from them or create your own customized verbiage and add it in the Cases section. 


5.     Customize Case Number:

It can be understood how burdensome it can be to track cases based on their numbers. That's the reason Shanaya CRM empowers you to frame case numbers as per your convenience. After which, all the cases will be generated, succeeding your chosen number. 


6.     Set case category and priority:

To make sure that all your cases are categorized and prioritized correctly, CRM software permits you to decide the default case category and priority. Once done, the tickets generated fall under the category and priority of your choice. 


7.     Get Streamlined conversations:

The Software acts as one centralized repository for all your customer support communications. That means whenever needed, you can check within the software to view the conversations that happened between your agents and customers. For each customer, a list is recorded. You just need to click on a particular case to see the case details and the conversations that took place concerning it. 


8.     Get Case Landing Page for Customers:

CRM software helps you get a 360-degree view of all the conversations that happened concerning a case. Likewise, it also enables you to provide the same benefit to your customers as well. While dealing with you, your customers get a separate case landing page where they can see the ticket details and the conversations that happened till now. 


Last few words…

In today's technology-dominated world, customers demand and expect a whole new level of attention. Customers these days expect you to do business with them on their terms. 


Customers expect you to know who they are, understand their specific situations, keep in touch with them, listen to their requirements, and provide quick and attentive support. 


CRM support helps you to do all of this and more. 

Moreover, CRM also gives you a chance to:

  • Personalize your communication,
  • Offer relevant content and service,
  • Respond quickly to their requests,
  • And ensure that no question goes unanswered. 


This is what makes a great customer experience. 



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