What is the Role of CRM in Retail Businesses?

 By Pranjali Manore

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software is helpful to manage customer details and profiles. It mainly assists in maintaining goodwill with your customers.

In a retail business, you directly deal with the customers. You must approach them, take care of every detail, and have loyal customers and a greater number of buyers. 

The role of CRM software in Retail Businesses?

Customer History:

CRM stores all the information and profile of customers, e.g., business cards, purchases, and phone numbers. This helps record all the history of a customer, so you know each of them individually and know who your regular customers are and their requirements. This also helps you see the demands and get better business and makes the customer's experience better at your store. 


Gathering all the information about the customers allows it to put your customers in a different section so you can attend to them accordingly. This way, you can segment your market. There might be families, youngsters, vegetarian, non-vegetarian, new buyers, heavy purchase customers, lighter purchase customers, long term customers, etc. The segmentation in your market assists you in offering a better strategy that suits your customers.


CRM software assists you in tracking all the customers individually. This gives you clear data on whether customers are beneficial or not, whether they have proven to be loyal or not. Therefore, you can also provide them better service and reward your loyal customers for keeping up their loyalty and get more buyers indirectly.


Promotion helps you target the right audience as it tracks each customer. Thus, you can manage them putting in groups or even individually, helping you provide them better service. Whenever a customer visits your website, accordingly, you'll get to know what they are going through and looking for, as well as include the promotion of that product in their newsletter or emails, etc.

Purchase Tracking:

CRM allows you to track every customer's purchase separately to know their interests, and if their product has had any damage. This way, you will provide them better service by having their interest included in their SMS and emails or newsletters. If there are any complaints regarding the service, you will provide them with the same item at a lower price in their next purchase or even give free service, etc., to provide them to gain more customer satisfaction.


CRM allows you to focus on every customer individually, which lets you pay attention to their requirements more closely. You can also focus on your long-term customers and provide them with points, bonuses, and rewards. This way, you will gain customer loyalty and have better business as loyalty will bring you committed customers, setting your sale and profit level on the right track.

Cost effective:

It allows you to manage the customers most cost-effectively. You can send out SMS and email in bulk to update your customers about the upcoming sale, offers and allows you to take care of them individually by focusing on their individual requirements. CRM implementation is a simple and cost-effective procedure. It also saves you more money as you will have lesser staff and lesser resources to spend on.


Shanaya CRM is a cloud-based customer relationship management software, which tracks your customers and manages them individually. It allows you to classify the leads based on their interest level, and you can focus on them accordingly. A sales team can get their updates on how to proceed with their work in a day. Shanaya CRM is accessible from anywhere and is also mobile-friendly.


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