
Showing posts from January, 2021

What are different types of CRM software?

 By Pranjali Manore As we all know, CRM software is now the biggest software market globally as companies are competing to win clients.     Gartner's study reveals that the CRM software market is now worth a quarter of worldwide enterprise application software revenue, totalling $193.6 billion in 2018. The research also predicts that customer relationship management value will continue to grow, even up until 2025.    The most important advantage of this software is that it comes in many forms, irrespective of your companies' size, whether big or small and how much you're willing to invest, you can find a tool for you.    In the previous blogs, I have talked about CRM and its benefits to cover CRM types in general.    There are five different types of CM software. Let's take a closer look at it.    1.      Operational:  Operational CRMs provide your marketing, sales, and customer service departments the practicability to better support your existing

3 Crucial ways to deal with a manipulator at Workplace

 By Pranjali Manore A majority of you who's ever gone to work has had to deal with an office manipulator. Manipulation comes in many ways at the workplace, and if it's not managed or deterred, it can create a highly toxic work environment. Sadly, most employees hesitate to go public with concerns.    When you cannot get the hierarchy or other authorities to intervene on your behalf, it helps to have your own coping approaches, short of legal action.    Be skeptical about things happening in an around:   Manipulators do not usually show their true colors at the starting of a relationship. They often present themselves as confidantes or allies, as they need to draw you close to size up where soft spots are and how much they can get from you. Manipulators are skilled at assessing which employees are confident and sophisticated enough to stand on their own and which ones can easily please or get shamed.    It is exciting if a powerful colleague or superior seems inter

How can Retail Businesses Increase Profits and Productivity with CRM?

 By Pranjali In today's jammed world, a relationship is key to connect with retail customers significantly. Researchers revealed that retail customers now expect more personalized care in the marketplace. From the sales domain to social media platforms, all want to be treated uniquely as a particular customer and not as a statistic or a customer with money to spend.   It is a universal fact that if a company focuses on developing client relationships, they can gain their trust and loyalty. Therefore, this is where Shanaya CRM software plays a crucial role, allowing retail companies to be more attentive. Because of the needs of their customers right from the moment they first interact with them. Increases Productivity: CRM software eases the sales department's selling process to the corporate offices ad the supplier warehouse. With the CRM software's help, all client and merchandise data is recorded in one system, thereby making everyone better at their jobs. It incl

How CRM improves customer service and customer experience?

 By Pranjali Manore Sales professionals normally use customer relationship management (CRM) platforms to manage a brand's relationships and interactions with their current and potential customers. Today's CRMs have evolved to the point that they can better manage the relationships a brand has through its customers for their entire lifetime.  In this blog, you will look at ways a CRM can help to improve the customer experience.    1.      Get ready cases formed automatically: Unlike others who need you to create the software manually, Shanaya CRM automatically forms you. You just have to specify the email address within Shanaya. Every customer service request automatically gets forwarded to that mail and concurrently generated as Support Tickets within the CRM application.    2.      Cases get assigned automatically: Suppose a case is lying untouched simply because it has still not been assigned to someone within your team. Therefore, to avert such problems of dela

What is the Role of CRM in Retail Businesses?

 By Pranjali Manore CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software is helpful to manage customer details and profiles. It mainly assists in maintaining goodwill with your customers. In a retail business, you directly deal with the customers. You must approach them, take care of every detail, and have loyal customers and a greater number of buyers.   The role of CRM software in Retail Businesses? Customer History: CRM stores all the information and profile of customers, e.g., business cards, purchases, and phone numbers. This helps record all the history of a customer, so you know each of them individually and know who your regular customers are and their requirements. This also helps you see the demands and get better business and makes the customer's experience better at your store.   Segmenting: Gathering all the information about the customers allows it to put your customers in a different section so you can attend to them accordingly. This way, you can segment your

SaaS in 2021: Growth Trends and Statistics

 By Pranjali Manore Over the last decade, one can see that businesses have continued to shift their sales, marketing, and operations further into the cloud. With continually evolving SaaS products, it has never been simpler to power a business from anywhere.    Companies can run SaaS software solutions and online data analysis without relying on implementing applications on their own computer systems and data centres. Thus, these innovations are growing their popularity every year.    SaaS takes over the cloud computing market. As per the Gartner report, it is estimated that the service-based cloud application industry will be worth $143.7 billion by 2022- a growth level that will shape the sector in the dawning of this year, 2021.    SaaS (software-as-a-service) is a distribution model that offers a lot of agility and cost-effectiveness. It makes it an incredibly reliable option for numerous business models and industries. It is also popular among businesses due to its sim